Winter and dry eye

Winter and dry eye

01 Feb 2023

During the winter season, many people experience dry eyes due to harsh weather conditions like low temperatures and dry wind, in contrast, indoor heating would irritate the eyes to become dry. In addition, this common condition which negatively affects a person's quality of life happens to approximately 16 million people in the United States alone.

Causes of dry eye

Although some people suffer from dry eye all the year, it’s more common in the winter season due to factors such as weather and heating. When the cold and strong wind hit your face, your eyes will dry out, in addition, indoor heating is also a crucial factor in drying your eye.

Symptoms of dry eye

  • Itching eye.
  • Pain in your eyes.
  • Gritty eyes.
  • Redness in your eyeballs.
  • sensitivity to light.

How to get rid of dry eye in winter

Luckily, there are many ways to combat dry eye in the winter and all year round. Just follow these tips:

  • Wear glasses: As important as protecting your eyes from the sun, the wind, and other harsh weather elements should be controlled by a simple solution which is wearing sunglasses or goggles. So, wearing glasses is very important, especially in winter. When you venture outside, don your wraparound spectacles. These will assist in shielding your eyes from the wind, a typical wintertime cause of dry eyes.
  • Household humidifiers: The usage of heaters indoors is a major cause of dry eyes in the winter. Although it is unwise to freeze to prevent dry eyes, you can use an indoor humidifier to add moisture to the air. The most important thing to remember while using a humidifier is to keep it clean and out of reach of children. The moisture in humidifiers can draw mold and bacteria naturally, turning your normally useful humidifier into a place where disease can flourish. To prevent this, clean them frequently as the manufacturer advises. Also, children who unintentionally knock over or reach for heated humidifiers run the risk of getting hurt or burning.
  • Artificial tears: You can replenish your eyes' natural moisture by using artificial tears. They are sold over the counter at the majority of pharmacies. Make sure you are buying a selection that is contacts-friendly if you wear contacts. Apply the artificial tears as many times as possible during the day (usually up to six times). Carefully read the eye drop label: Applying eye drops more regularly could irritate your eyes if they include preservatives.

Wintertime dry eyes are very common. The eyes can become dry due to winds, low humidity, cold temperatures, and the usage of interior heating systems. Fortunately, simple solutions are designed to help you with the symptoms. However, if you still experience dry eyes, consult a medical professional to rule out any underlying conditions.