What You Should Know Before Buying Progressive Lenses?

What You Should Know Before Buying Progressive Lenses?

21 Mar 2022

Progressive lenses can give you a clear vision to see distant and close objects, you won’t need any other glasses. So, unlike bifocal lenses, you will be able to see clearly at multiple distances. Many people choose to get progressive lenses by the age of 35 or 40, especially, if they suffer from presbyopia, which is the difficulty to see nearby objects that develop with aging.

Instead of wearing two eyeglasses, one for distance objects, and another one for close-up objects such as reading glasses, many people choose to buy progressive lenses instead as a simpler, and easier solution to any age-related vision problems. So, what are the things you should know before buying progressive lenses?

Adapting to progressive lenses may take some time.

Most people need a few days to adapt to this new type of lens, but others may require a month to get used to progressive lenses. However, the required time for your eyes to adapt to these new lenses varies based on your eye’s health and prescription, in general.

It’s best to avoid small frames with progressive lenses

When buying progressive lenses, it’s important to notice the frame tall, they should be between 28 and 30mm. because the lenses won’t be able to give you the right coverage of the three fields of view if the frames are too small. In other words, reading or seeing close things will be difficult if the frames are less than 28mm in height. However, if you are a fan of a small frame, we recommend using short-corridor progressive lenses to get the best results and avoid any near vision problems.

You must understand how the progressive lenses work to see well

Since progressive lenses are divided into three parts, which work differently, you should always look through the proper part of the lenses when doing certain tasks, for example, look through the top part of the lens for distant vision such as driving, the midsection is for intermediate vision such as using the computer, while the bottom part of the lens is for close-up such as reading. So, if you don’t look through the correct part of the progressive lens while doing these tasks, the eyeglasses will not work properly.

Premium progressive lenses are customized to your needs

When comparing the progressive lenses based on the price, you may find that the standard progressive lenses are less expensive than the premium progressive lenses. However, unlike the progressive lenses, these premium lenses can be customized to fit your eyes' needs, which is totally worth this extra cost for some people.

You may need to visit an eye specialist to fit the progressive lenses for you

If you are looking for more comfortable progressive lenses, we recommend seeing an eye doctor, he will ask you about your work conditions to ensure designing more fitting lenses for you. So, depending on your needs, the doctor will design a special type of progressive lens, for example, if you work in an office, you may get a wider midsection to provide the best vision when looking at the computer screens.

Extra Tips for Using Progressive Lenses

  • Choose a high-quality optical shop to guide you through this process, they will help you pick a fitting frame, and make sure that progressive lenses are properly centered over your eyes. Keep in mind that poorly fitted progressive lenses can be the reason why most people can't get used to them.
  • Give yourself some time to adapt to these new lenses, some people need one or two weeks to while others may need as long as a month.
  • Make sure you understand all the instructions from your eye doctor on how to use progressive lenses.
  • Wear the new type of lenses as often as possible, of course, you should stop wearing your old eyeglasses to make the adjustment process as quick as possible.
  • Use your adjustment warranty, if you have one, most shops offer a 30 days warranty to make the new lenses more comfortable for your eyes.
  • Move your head, not your eyes to look through far or close-up objects that are right in front of you, this will help you optimize the viewing areas, without getting blurry areas on the periphery.

Progressive lenses can be the answer to your multifocal vision problems. Keep all these extra considerations in mind when getting a new pair of progressive lenses.